Definition of Hunched in English :

Define Hunched in English

Hunched meaning in English

Meaning of Hunched in English

Pronunciation of Hunched in English

Hunched pronunciation in English

Pronounce Hunched in English


see synonyms of hunched


1. crooked, hunched, round-backed, round-shouldered, stooped, stooping

having the back and shoulders rounded; not erect

Example Sentences:
'a little oldish misshapen stooping woman'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of hunched
(of a person) leaning forwards with their shoulders raised and their head down, or (of shoulders, etc) in the posture adopted by a hunched person
A solitary hunched figure emerged from Number Ten.
He sat hunched in a corner.
Pupils sat hunched over their books.
He got a stiff neck and a sore back from sitting hunched up for so long.

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of hunched
1. An intuitive feeling or a premonition: had a hunch that he would lose.
2. A hump.
3. A lump or chunk: "She ... cut herself another hunch of bread" (Virginia Woolf).
4. A push or shove.
v. hunched, hunch·ing, hunch·es
1. To bend or draw up into a hump: I hunched my shoulders against the wind.
2. To push or shove.
1. To assume a crouched or cramped posture: The cat hunched in a corner.
2. To thrust oneself forward.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.