Definition of Hogged in English :

Define Hogged in English

Hogged meaning in English

Meaning of Hogged in English

Pronunciation of Hogged in English

Hogged pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of hogged


1. broken-backed, hogged

(of a ship) so weakened as to sag at each end

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of hogged
(of a vessel) having a keel that droops at both ends
Compare sag (sense 6)

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of hogged
a. Any of various mammals of the family Suidae, which includes the domesticated pig as well as wild species, such as the wild boar and the warthog.
b. A domesticated pig weighing over 54 kilograms (120 pounds).
a. A self-indulgent, gluttonous, or filthy person.
b. One that uses too much of something.
3. also hogg
a. Chiefly British A young sheep before it has been shorn.
b. The wool from this type of sheep.
4. Slang A big, heavy motorcycle.
v. hogged, hog·ging, hogs
1. Informal To take more than one's share of: Don't hog the couch.
2. To cause (the back) to arch like that of a hog.
3. To cut (a horse's mane) short and bristly.
4. To shred (waste wood, for example) by machine.
Nautical To arch upward in the middle. Used of a ship's keel.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.