Definition of Heaviside in English :

Define Heaviside in English

Heaviside meaning in English

Meaning of Heaviside in English

Pronunciation of Heaviside in English

Heaviside pronunciation in English

Pronounce Heaviside in English


see synonyms of heaviside


1. heaviside, oliver heaviside

English physicist and electrical engineer who helped develop telegraphic and telephonic communications; in 1902 (independent of A. E. Kennelly) he suggested the existence of an atmospheric layer that reflects radio waves back to earth (1850-1925)

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of heaviside
Oliver. 1850–1925, English physicist. Independently of Kennelly, he predicted (1902) the existence of an ionized gaseous layer in the upper atmosphere (the Heaviside layer); he also contributed to telegraphy

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