Definition of Fixedly in English :

Define Fixedly in English

Fixedly meaning in English

Meaning of Fixedly in English

Pronunciation of Fixedly in English

Fixedly pronunciation in English

Pronounce Fixedly in English


see synonyms of fixedly


1. fixedly

in a fixed manner

Example Sentences:
'he stared at me fixedly'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of fixedly
1. Firmly in position; stationary: a fixed dwelling.
2. Determined; established; set: at a fixed time; a fixed price.
3. Not subject to change or variation; unchanging: pensioners on a fixed income.
4. Chemistry
a. Not readily evaporating; nonvolatile.
b. Being in a stable, combined form: fixed nitrogen.
a. Firmly, often dogmatically held: fixed beliefs.
b. Persistently occurring in the mind; obsessive: a fixed, delusive notion.
6. Supplied, especially with funds. Often used in combination: a well-fixed bachelor.
7. Illegally prearranged as to outcome: a fixed election.

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