Definition of Far And Away in English :

Define Far And Away in English

Far And Away meaning in English

Meaning of Far And Away in English

Pronunciation of Far And Away in English

Far And Away pronunciation in English

Pronounce Far And Away in English

Far And Away

see synonyms of far and away


1. by far, far and away, out and away

by a considerable margin

Example Sentences:
'she was by far the smartest student'
'it was far and away the best meal he had ever eaten'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.

Far And Away

see synonyms of far and away
by a very great margin
far and away the biggest meal he'd ever eaten
by a very great margin

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers

Far And Away

see synonyms of far and away
adv. far·ther (färthər), far·thest (färthĭst) or fur·ther (fûrthər) or fur·thest (fûrthĭst)
1. To, from, or at a considerable distance: a cat that had strayed far from home.
2. To, from, or at a much earlier or later time: a movie that takes place far in the future.
3. To a considerable degree; much: felt far better yesterday; eyes that seemed far too close together.
4. To an advanced point or stage: a brilliant student who will go far.
adj. farther, farthest or further or furthest
a. Being at considerable distance; remote: a far country.
b. Going back a considerable extent in time: the far past.
2. More distant than another: the far corner.
3. Extensive or lengthy: a far trek.
4. Far-seeing and comprehensive in thought or outlook: a commander of far vision.
5. Marked by political views of the most advanced or extreme nature: the far right; the far left.
a. Being on the right side of an animal or a vehicle.
b. Being the animal or vehicle on the right.

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