Definition of Envoy in English :

Define Envoy in English

Envoy meaning in English

Meaning of Envoy in English

Pronunciation of Envoy in English

Envoy pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of envoy


1. envoy, envoy extraordinary, minister plenipotentiary

a diplomat having less authority than an ambassador

2. emissary, envoy

someone sent on a mission to represent the interests of someone else

3. envoi, envoy

a brief stanza concluding certain forms of poetry

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of envoy
1. Formal name: envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary
a diplomat of the second class, ranking between an ambassador and a minister resident
an accredited messenger, agent, or representative
a brief dedicatory or explanatory stanza concluding certain forms of poetry, notably ballades
a postscript in other forms of verse or prose

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of envoy
a messenger; agent
an agent sent by a government or ruler to transact diplomatic business; specif., a diplomat (envoy extraordinary) ranking just below an ambassador
a postscript to a poem, essay, or book, containing a dedication, climactic summary, explanation, etc.; specif., a short, concluding stanza of this kind added to a ballade and some other verse forms

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of envoy
1. A representative of a government who is sent on a special diplomatic mission.
2. A minister plenipotentiary assigned to a foreign embassy, ranking next below the ambassador.
3. A messenger; an agent.
1. A short closing stanza in certain verse forms, such as the ballade or sestina, dedicating the poem to a patron or summarizing its main ideas.
2. The concluding portion of a prose work or a play.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.