Definition of Deep in English :

Define Deep in English

Deep meaning in English

Meaning of Deep in English

Pronunciation of Deep in English

Deep pronunciation in English

Pronounce Deep in English


see synonyms of deep


1. deep

the central and most intense or profound part

Example Sentences:
'in the deep of night'
'in the deep of winter'

2. deep, oceanic abyss, trench

a long steep-sided depression in the ocean floor

3. deep

literary term for an ocean

Example Sentences:
'denizens of the deep'


4. deep

relatively deep or strong; affecting one deeply

Example Sentences:
'a deep breath'
'a deep sigh'
'deep concentration'
'deep emotion'
'a deep trance'
'in a deep sleep'

5. deep

marked by depth of thinking

Example Sentences:
'deep thoughts'
'a deep allegory'

6. deep

having great spatial extension or penetration downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or laterally or outward from a center; sometimes used in combination

Example Sentences:
'a deep well'
'a deep dive'
'deep water'
'a deep casserole'
'a deep gash'
'deep massage'
'deep pressure receptors in muscles'
'deep shelves'
'a deep closet'
'surrounded by a deep yard'
'hit the ball to deep center field'
'in deep space'

7. deep

very distant in time or space

Example Sentences:
'deep in the past'
'deep in enemy territory'
'deep in the woods'
'a deep space probe'

8. deep


Example Sentences:
'in deep trouble'
'deep happiness'

9. bass, deep

having or denoting a low vocal or instrumental range

Example Sentences:
'a deep voice'
'a bass voice is lower than a baritone voice'
'a bass clarinet'

10. deep, rich

strong; intense

Example Sentences:
'deep purple'
'a rich red'

11. deep

relatively thick from top to bottom

Example Sentences:
'deep carpets'
'deep snow'

12. deep

extending relatively far inward

Example Sentences:
'a deep border'

13. deep, thick

(of darkness) very intense

Example Sentences:
'thick night'
'thick darkness'
'a face in deep shadow'
'deep night'

14. deep

large in quantity or size

Example Sentences:
'deep cuts in the budget'

15. deep

with head or back bent low

Example Sentences:
'a deep bow'

16. cryptic, cryptical, deep, inscrutable, mysterious, mystifying

of an obscure nature

Example Sentences:
'the new insurance policy is written without cryptic or mysterious terms'
'a deep dark secret'
'the inscrutable workings of Providence'
'in its mysterious past it encompasses all the dim origins of life'
'rituals totally mystifying to visitors from other lands'

17. abstruse, deep, recondite

difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge

Example Sentences:
'the professor's lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them'
'a deep metaphysical theory'
'some recondite problem in historiography'

18. deep

exhibiting great cunning usually with secrecy

Example Sentences:
'deep political machinations'
'a deep plot'


19. deep, deeply

to a great depth;far down

Example Sentences:
'dived deeply'
'dug deep'

20. deep, late

to an advanced time

Example Sentences:
'deep into the night'
'talked late into the evening'

21. deep

to a great distance

Example Sentences:
'penetrated deep into enemy territory'
'went deep into the woods'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of deep
extending or situated relatively far down from a surface
a deep pool
extending or situated relatively far inwards, backwards, or sideways
a deep border of trees
3. cricket
relatively far from the pitch
the deep field
deep third man
a. (postpositive)
of a specified dimension downwards, inwards, or backwards
six feet deep
(in combination)
a six-foot-deep trench
coming from or penetrating to a great depth
a deep breath
difficult to understand or penetrate; abstruse
learned or intellectually demanding
a deep discussion
of great intensity; extreme
deep happiness
deep trouble
9. (postpositive; foll by in)
absorbed or enveloped (by); engrossed or immersed (in)
deep in study
deep in debt
very cunning or crafty; devious
a deep plot
mysterious or obscure
a deep secret
(of a colour) having an intense or dark hue
low in pitch or tone
a deep voice
14.  go off the deep end
15.  in deep water
16.  throw someone in at the deep end
any deep place on land or under water, esp below 6000 metres (3000 fathoms)
18.  the deep
the most profound, intense, or central part
the deep of winter
a vast extent, as of space or time
21. nautical
one of the intervals on a sounding lead, one fathom apart
far on in time; late
they worked deep into the night
profoundly or intensely
24.  deep down
25.  deep in the past

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of deep
extending far downward from the top or top edges, inward from the surface, or backward from the front
a deep cut, a deep lake, a deep drawer
extending down, inward, etc. a specified length or distance
water eight feet deep
located far down or back
deep in the outfield
coming from or going far down or back
a deep breath
far off in time or space
the deep past
hard to understand; abstruse
a deep book
extremely grave or serious
in deep trouble
strongly felt
deep love
intellectually profound
a deep discussion
tricky and sly; devious
deep dealings
carefully guarded
a deep secret
dark and rich
a deep red
sunk in or absorbed by
with in
deep in thought
great in degree; intense
deep joy
heavy and unbroken
a deep sleep
much involved
deep in debt
of low pitch or range
a deep voice
large; big
deep cuts in the budget
16.  Sport
having many good players in reserve
a team deep in pitching
a deep place or any of the deepest parts, as in water or earth
the extent of encompassing space or time, of the unknown, etc.
the middle part; part that is darkest, most silent, etc.
in the deep of night
20.  Nautical
any of the unmarked fathom points between those marked on a lead line
in a deep way or to a deep extent; far down, far in, far back, etc.
to dig deep

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of deep
adj. deep·er, deep·est
a. Extending far downward below a surface: a deep hole in the river ice.
b. Extending far inward from an outer surface: a deep cut.
c. Extending far backward from front to rear: a deep walk-in refrigerator.
d. Extending far from side to side from a center: a deep yard surrounding the house.
e. Far distant down or in: deep in the woods.
f. Coming from or penetrating to a depth: a deep sigh.
g. Sports Located or taking place near the outer boundaries of the area of play: deep left field.
2. Extending a specific distance in a given direction: snow four feet deep.
3. Far distant in time or space: deep in the past.
a. Difficult to penetrate or understand; recondite: a deep metaphysical theory.
b. Of a mysterious or obscure nature: a deep secret; ancient and deep tribal rites.
c. Very learned or intellectual; wise: a deep philosopher.
d. Exhibiting great cunning or craft: deep political machinations.
a. Of a grave or extreme nature: deep trouble; deepest deceit.
b. Very absorbed or involved: deep in thought; deep in financial difficulties.
c. Profound in quality or feeling: a deep trance; deep devotion.
6. Rich and intense in shade. Used of a color: a deep red.
7. Low in pitch; resonant: a deep voice.
8. Covered or surrounded to a designated degree. Often used in combination: waist-deep in the water; ankle-deep in snow.
9. Large in quantity or size; big: deep cuts in the budget.
10. Sports Having a sufficient number of capable reserve players: That team is not very deep.
1. To a great depth; deeply: dig deep; feelings that run deep.
2. Well along in time; late: worked deep into the night.
3. Sports Close to the outer boundaries of the area of play: played deep for the first three innings; ran deep into their opponents' territory.
1. often deeps
a. A deep place in land or in a body of water: drowned in the deep of the river.
b. A vast, immeasurable extent: the deep of outer space.
2. The extent of encompassing time or space; firmament.
3. The most intense or extreme part: the deep of night.
4. The ocean.
5. Nautical A sounding that falls between marks on a lead line and thus corresponds to an estimated depth rather than a precise depth.

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