Definition of Capillary in English :

Define Capillary in English

Capillary meaning in English

Meaning of Capillary in English

Pronunciation of Capillary in English

Capillary pronunciation in English

Pronounce Capillary in English


see synonyms of capillary


1. capillary, capillary tube, capillary tubing

a tube of small internal diameter; holds liquid by capillary action

2. capillary, capillary vessel

any of the minute blood vessels connecting arterioles with venules


3. capillary

of or relating to hair

4. capillary, hairlike

long and slender with a very small internal diameter

Example Sentences:
'a capillary tube'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of capillary
resembling a hair; slender
(of tubes) having a fine bore
3. anatomy
of or relating to any of the delicate thin-walled blood vessels that form an interconnecting network between the arterioles and the venules
4. physics
of or relating to capillarity
noun plural -laries
5. anatomy
any of the capillary blood vessels
a fine hole or narrow passage in any substance

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of capillary
of or like a hair, esp. in being very slender
having a very small bore
in or of capillaries
nounWord forms: plural ˈcapilˌlaries
a tube with a very small bore
: also capillary tube
any of the tiny blood vessels normally connecting the smallest arteries (arterioles) with the smallest veins (venules)

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of capillary
1. Relating to or resembling a hair; fine and slender.
2. Having a very small internal diameter: a capillary tube.
3. Anatomy Of or relating to the capillaries.
4. Physics Of or relating to capillarity.
n. pl. cap·il·lar·ies
1. Anatomy One of the minute blood vessels that connect arterioles and venules. These blood vessels form an intricate network throughout the body for the interchange of various substances, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide, between blood and tissue cells.
2. A tube with a very small internal diameter.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.