Definition of Canopied in English :

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Canopied meaning in English

Meaning of Canopied in English

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see synonyms of canopied


1. canopied

covered with or as with a canopy

Example Sentences:
'a canopied bed'
'streets canopied by stately trees'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of canopied
having an ornamental awning
a canopied Elizabethan bed
Albert looked down at him from his canopied throne.

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of canopied
n. pl. can·o·pies
a. A covering, usually cloth, suspended over a throne or bed.
b. A cloth covering held aloft on poles above a sacred object, an eminent person, or a couple being married during certain wedding ceremonies.
c. A cloth covering held aloft on posts, used for shade or decoration.
2. Architecture An ornamental rooflike projection over a niche, altar, or tomb.
3. A protective rooflike covering, often of canvas, mounted on a frame over a walkway or door.
4. A high overarching covering, such as the sky: "I just look up at the stars and let the vastness of that black and twinkling canopy fill my soul" (Margaret Mason).
5. The uppermost layer in a forest, formed by the crowns of the trees.
6. The transparent covering that encloses the cockpit of certain aircraft.
7. The part of a parachute that opens up to catch the air.
tr.v. can·o·pied, can·o·py·ing, can·o·pies
To cover with or as if with a canopy.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.