Definition of Briefly in English :

Define Briefly in English

Briefly meaning in English

Meaning of Briefly in English

Pronunciation of Briefly in English

Briefly pronunciation in English

Pronounce Briefly in English


see synonyms of briefly


1. briefly

for a short time

Example Sentences:
'she visited him briefly'
'was briefly associated with IBM'

2. briefly, concisely, in brief, in short, shortly

in a concise manner; in a few words

Example Sentences:
'the history is summed up concisely in this book'
'she replied briefly'
'briefly, we have a problem'
'to put it shortly'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of briefly
adj. brief·er, brief·est
1. Short in time, duration, length, or extent.
2. Succinct; concise: a brief account of the incident.
3. Curt; abrupt: We were upset because he was so brief with us.
1. A short, succinct statement.
2. A condensation or an abstract of a larger document or series of documents.
3. Law A document concisely stating the legal points being made, including often the citation and explanation of supporting legal authority.
4. Roman Catholic Church A papal letter that is not as formal as a bull.
5. A briefing.
6. often briefs Short, tight-fitting underpants.
7. briefs Chiefly British The instructions that are given to explain a task or assignment.
tr.v. briefed, brief·ing, briefs
1. To give instructions or preparatory information to: briefed the astronauts before the mission.
2. To summarize.

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