Definition of Booming in English :

Define Booming in English

Booming meaning in English

Meaning of Booming in English

Pronunciation of Booming in English

Booming pronunciation in English

Pronounce Booming in English


see synonyms of booming


1. booming, flourishing, palmy, prospering, prosperous, roaring, thriving

very lively and profitable

Example Sentences:
'flourishing businesses'
'a palmy time for stockbrokers'
'a prosperous new business'
'doing a roaring trade'
'a thriving tourist center'
'did a thriving business in orchids'

2. booming, stentorian

used of the voice

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of booming
perceived as too loud

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of booming
v. boomed, boom·ing, booms
1. To make a deep, resonant sound.
2. To grow, develop, or progress rapidly; flourish: Business is booming.
1. To utter or give forth with a deep, resonant sound: a field commander booming out orders.
2. To cause to grow or flourish; boost.
1. A deep resonant sound, as of an explosion.
2. A time of economic prosperity.
3. A sudden increase, as in popularity.
1. Nautical A spar extending usually from a mast to hold the foot, clew, or tack of a sail.
2. A long pole extending upward at an angle from the mast of a derrick to support or guide objects being lifted or suspended.
a. A barrier composed of a chain of floating logs, typically used to block the passage of boats or to arrest the downstream motion of logs in a log drive.
b. A floating barrier serving to catch debris or to contain an oil spill.
4. A long movable arm used to maneuver and support a microphone.
a. A spar that connects the tail surfaces and the main structure of an airplane.
b. A long hollow tube attached to a tanker aircraft, through which fuel flows to another aircraft being refueled in flight.
tr.v. boomed, boom·ing, booms
To move or position using a crane: boomed the cargo onto the ship.

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