Definition of Backseat in English :

Define Backseat in English

Backseat meaning in English

Meaning of Backseat in English

Pronunciation of Backseat in English

Backseat pronunciation in English

Pronounce Backseat in English


see synonyms of backseat


1. backseat

a secondary or inferior position or status

Example Sentences:
'tennis has had to take a backseat while his work is so demanding'

2. backseat

a seat at the back of a vehicle (especially the seat at the back of an automobile)

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of backseat
relating to or taking place on the back seat of a vehicle
She was a backseat passenger in a vehicle that overturned on the motorway.
of a subordinate nature

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