Definition of Attenuate in English :

Define Attenuate in English

Attenuate meaning in English

Meaning of Attenuate in English

Pronunciation of Attenuate in English

Attenuate pronunciation in English

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see synonyms of attenuate


1. attenuate, rarefy

weaken the consistency of (a chemical substance)

2. attenuate

become weaker, in strength, value, or magnitude


3. attenuate, attenuated, faded, weakened

reduced in strength

Example Sentences:
'the faded tones of an old recording'

WordNet Lexical Database for English. Princeton University. 2010.


see synonyms of attenuate
verb (əˈtɛnjʊˌeɪt )
to weaken or become weak; reduce in size, strength, density, or value
to make or become thin or fine; extend
3. (transitive)
to make (a pathogenic bacterium, virus, etc) less virulent, as by culture in special media or exposure to heat
adjective (əˈtɛnjʊɪt , -ˌeɪt)
diluted, weakened, slender, or reduced
5. botany
tapering gradually to a point

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers


see synonyms of attenuate
verb transitiveWord forms: atˈtenuˌated or atˈtenuˌating
to make slender or thin
to dilute or rarefy
to lessen in severity, value, amount, intensity, etc.; weaken
4.  Electronics
to reduce the amplitude or strength of (an electrical signal)
5.  Microbiology
to reduce the virulence of (a bacterium or virus) usually to make a vaccine
verb intransitive
to become thin, weak, etc.
8.  Botany
tapering gradually to a point, as the base of a leaf

Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. Copyright © 2010 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. All rights reserved.


see synonyms of attenuate
v. at·ten·u·at·ed, at·ten·u·at·ing, at·ten·u·ates
1. To make slender, fine, or small: The drought attenuated the river to a narrow channel.
2. To reduce in force, value, amount, or degree; weaken: Medicine attenuated the fever's effect.
3. To lessen the density of; rarefy.
4. Biology To make (bacteria or viruses) less virulent.
5. Electronics To reduce (the amplitude of an electrical signal) with little or no distortion.
To become thin, weak, or fine.
adj. (-y-ĭt)
1. Reduced or weakened, as in strength, value, or virulence.
2. Botany Gradually tapering to a slender point.

The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition copyright ©2018 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.